Simple Sphinx

Sphinx generates project documentation, which can be hosted easily at readthedocs.

Your project should be in a github repository. Then, sign up for a readthedocs account with your github account.

Setup new project

  1. Install sphinx with pip:

    $ pip install sphinx
  2. As best practice, use a separate docs folder. From your project folder:

    $ mkdir docs
    $ cd docs
  3. Use the sphinx quickstart and follow the prompts:

    $ sphinx-quickstart

4. From your readthedocs dashboard, import your github project repository.

5. You can soon access the documentation online, either from your dashboard or the provided URL.

Develop documentation

We create and edit documentation in .rst files, written in restructuredText (quickstart).

To make a header, insert a row of special characters underneath, which cannot be shorter than the header:

My Header

To make a sub-header, use a different special character:

My Header

My Sub-header

To make a link, follow this syntax:

`My Link <>`_


Note the space before < and the _ after the `.

To show code, one way is to use literal blocks:


    print('hello world!')

Or with text before the code::

    for i in range(5):


Note the empty line after ::.

To make a list:

1. Python
2. Javascript
3. C#

To format text:

**Bold**, *italics*, ``code``.

To insert an image:

.. image::
    :width: 200px
    :height: 100px
    :align: center
    :alt: alternate text


This is a note box.

To insert a note box:

.. note::  This is a note box.


This is a warning box.

To insert a warning box:

.. warning:: This is a warning box.

Preview documentation

Use vscode and install the reStructuredText extension. The extension allows you to preview your documentation with Open Locked Preview to the Side (find it with Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P.)

You can view the HTML locally. Within your docs folder:

$ make html
$ open _build/html/index.html

Deploy documentation

If your github project was imported into readthedocs, your documentation will be automatically built and deployed when a changed version is pushed to github. Find the URL from your readthedocs dashboard.

(Optional) Setup RTD Theme

This page uses the RTD theme 🌈.

$ pip install sphinx_rtd_theme

In your file, set html_theme:

html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"